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Step 1
The first step is to ensure that your event is newsworthy. A simple announcement of your show's date and time may not be enough to garner press coverage. You need to identify what makes your production stand out and why it would be of interest to the people who consume the news. Consider what elements of your show, such as the story, cast, or production values, are noteworthy and emphasize these in your outreach to the press. Keep in mind that different news outlets have different audiences, so you may need to craft different versions of your press release to appeal to each one.
Step 2
The second step is to build relationships with journalists before you need them. While this may seem daunting, it's easier than you might think. Arts journalists are often out and about at local events, providing ample opportunity to meet them. You can also invite them to lunch to get to know them better. When you do meet with journalists, avoid making your event the sole topic of conversation. Instead, ask them about their views on the local arts scene, what's changed in the last five years, and their thoughts on the role of arts criticism. By doing so, you'll create a better understanding of their perspective and be able to approach them with a specific angle that fits their take on the local arts scene. This not only increases the likelihood of press coverage for your event, but also helps to establish a relationship with journalists that may prove valuable in the future.