Ensemble Theatre

Theatre for Everyone. Exciting. Extraordinary. Explosive. Based in Kirribilli, on the edge of Sydney Harbour, Ensemble Theatre is committed to performing and presenting the best of international plays, well-loved classics and new Australian works.

Theatre for Everyone. Exciting. Extraordinary. Explosive. Based in Kirribilli, on the edge of Sydney Harbour, Ensemble Theatre is committed to performing and presenting the best of international plays, well-loved classics and new Australian works.

Ensemble Theatre

☆ NEW ☆
Ensemble Theatre - Switzerland
On until Sat 8 Jun


Ensemble Theatre

With Toni Scanlan as Patricia Highsmith, renowned Australian playwright Joanna Murray-Smith weaves a torrid web of wit and mystery in this gripping psychological thriller.

by Joanna Murray-Smith
Directed by Shaun Rennie

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