Laycock Street Community Theatre

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The Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel is aptivating acoustic performance of the majestic hits of

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 Laycock Street Community Theatre

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The Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel is aptivating acoustic performance of the majestic hits of Simon & Garfunkel'. Highlighting a rich true vocal blend, & masterful acoustic guitar playing,
it relives the emotion, stories & sound of the folk era.

Simon & Garfunkel reflected & defined the mood of the 60's with their close vocal harmonies & stirring songs penned by Paul Simon.
Their songs, sound & message defined & reflected the mood & social musings of the time.

Their music remains timeless, etched in the memories of those they initially touched, & the generations since who have discovered their songs.

The Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel' is performed by Shelley & O'Regan'.
Mark Shelley & Peter O'Regan have been touring & performing for decades in many different forms & guises.
Joining them on stage is the inimitable Bass player Christopher Soulos. The trio's individual musical experiences & stories of life on the road seem endless. Now, after being friends & admiring each other's work for years, it is with great pleasure they join forces to present The Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel'.

Sunday 2nd June - 2pm

Tickets available via link below:

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