Australian Chamber Orchestra

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Why are people so jealous of cellists

Sunday, 9 June 2024 Australian Chamber Orchestra
Australian Chamber Orchestra

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The Cello was voted Australia's favourite instrument in last year's ABC Classic Classic 100.

We don't have favourites, but ew certainly don't fall out with the decision! We're celebrating this beautiful instrument in our next national concert tour, 'Altstaedt plays Haydn & Tchaikovsky', which will be directed by German-French cellist @Nicolas Altstaedt.
Touring to Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth, 14-30 June.

#ACO24Season #Cello #AustralianChamberOrchestra #Classic100

Leigh Sales sits down with Julian Thompson to discuss the technical and musical techniques of the cello and why it's Australia's favourite instrument.

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